Changemakers Lili Öst - Changemaker

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I am a podcaster since summer of 2018. I host my podcast Attraktionslagen 2.0 (The law of attraction 2.0) and I´ve released one episode a week since the beginning. I do everything myself from recording, cutting, creating jingles etc - to launching and marketing on social media, and I put a lot of effort and time to it every week. I´ve come to the point where I really need to moneytize the podcast, to be able to continue spreading free knowledge, inspiration and lifechanging insights and tools.

My main goal with my podcast, is to inspire people to broaden their life view to get the most out of life. And I know I reach out and do good by it, from all the emails and messages i frequently get from the listeners. I also work as a coach, and in my methodology I combine behavioral science with the law ot attraction, and with that broaden perspective, I really help people to look at their focus, their thoughts and their results in a totally different way. I really belive that what I do, contributes to spreading love and knowledge that can build a better now and future for us all.

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