

Creator of Privacy Redirect & Nitter Redirect web extensions.

SimonBrazell primește 3,69 AUD pe săptămână de la 10 susținători.
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Hi! 👨🏻‍💻

Privacy Redirect and Nitter Redirect are both free and open source software, made and maintained by me in my free time, available on the Chrome Web Store and Firefox Add-ons. If you like my extensions and are financially able please consider donating to show your appreciation and support the continuation of the projects.

Cheers! ☕️

Conturi conectate

SimonBrazell deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


privacy-redirect Stele 1922 Actualizat acum 8 luni

A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.

nitter-redirect Stele 169 Actualizat acum 2 ani

A browser extension that redirects Twitter links to Nitter instead.


SimonBrazell s-a alăturat acum 4 ani.

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