

Documenting and archiving the history of clip art, old toys, obscure animation, and etc.

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I'm a university student currently documenting the histories and art of things that were unfinished, unappreciated, or simply not properly documented. Currently, I am documenting the history of clip art and working on archiving much of it from the 20th century so that the public may have access it for whatever they want. I'm also working on a digitally-exclusive and free book displaying the art and histories of unfinished animated films, writing Wikipedia pages on random undocumented things such as the Martian Popping Thing, and simply archiving things that are either out of print or haven't really been touched upon yet. Over time, these things have costed a considerable amount of money to source references, artwork, and in the future likely storage costs and other small things. Having a small donation to help support it all would be very helpful. Everything I do I want people to have access to.

Current projects:

Drawing For Nothing, an art book dedicated to the art of unfinished animated films. https://www.drawingfornothing.com/

Cliphaus, a public digital archive dedicated to preserving and sharing over a century of clipart along with the history behind it.

Various links:

Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/@ziggy451

Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/163202842@N07/

The Lost Media and Research Handbook https://sites.google.com/view/lostmediahandbook/

Wikipedia articles I wrote:



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