
David Finton

Zalasue's PeerTube Fund

zalasur primește 1,00 USD pe săptămână de la 1 susținător. Țel: 10,00 USD
Donează   Card de plată Debit direct PayPal


It's amazing that it's possible for someone to pay for their own video hosting platform on the internet for other people to enjoy. Not only do I publish my own videos and stream to a publicly accessible platform, I also federate with a number of other PeerTube instances so that people can enjoy a plethora of content from multiple creators. It is truly a wondrous time to be alive!

The flip side is that video files are large and take up a lot of room on the hosting provider. Also, video encoding is computationally expensive so I'm limited somewhat by the quality level of the live streams I upload to the instance. So I have to be careful not to let the platform costs run away from me.

That's why I've set up a liberapay account so that people can donate whatever they want, whenever they want. Donations are strictly voluntary; I do not plan on ever putting up a paywall in front of any content I upload.

To give you an idea of what the cost breakdown is for hosting a PeerTube instance on Akamai Linode as of December 2023 (prices are rounded to the nearest amount in USD):

  • Object storage for 250 GB: $5/month
  • Linode instance with 2 vCPUs: $24/month

Total: $29/month

Those are the minimum system requirements to host a PeerTube instance live. If I wanted to upgrade my streaming resolution from 720p to 1080p, I would need to upgrade the Linode instance up to 4 vCPUs which would run at $48/month. For storage, each 250 GB over the base 250 GB would cost me an additional $5/month.

Right now I am comfortable with paying what I am right now, but if I wanted to do more that would come from out-of-pocket and that would weigh considerably on my decision-making. Recurring costs do add up so any little bit helps.

So if you enjoy watching my videos or streams, consider making a donation. A one-time donation would be appreciated. A recurring donation would be awesome. All funds would be used to offset the current costs of running this platform, and should I make more money than I'm spending I would redirect those funds to upgrading the service I'm providing. These enhancements would come in the form of a higher streaming resolution or retaining my VODs for longer since I'd have more space to keep them around in.

Refund policy: all financial contributions are non-refundable and considered final upon completion of the transaction.

Thank you for visiting!

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