

Hi, I'm webVerts. I am the creator and maintainer of authifyNow plugins, authifyURL and authifyChat.

webVerts are 0 susținători.
Donează   PayPal


Hi, I'm webVerts. I am the creator and maintainer of authifyNow plugins, authifyURL and authifyChat.

With my current projects, I am bridging the TRUST gap between digital companies and consumers.

Github Pages for :

authifyURL : URL verification

authifyNow - Chrome and Firefox Plugins

authifyChat: Easy customer support page finder for users favourite companies

Conturi conectate

webVerts deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


webVerts s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

webVerts nu dezvăluie cât de mult primesc prin Liberapay.

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