
Tom Ryder

Free software developer and technical writer

Țelul lui tejr este să primească 10,00 NZD pe săptămână.
Donează   PayPal


I’m Tom Ryder, a systems administrator, free software author, and technical writer, living in New Zealand.

I work full time in systems administration, and write software and words about software for love rather than money—but your contribution will encourage me to continue in my free software development and writing.

It’s very likely that your contribution will go towards paying for my hosting and domain costs first of all, for https://sanctum.geek.nz/. After that, I'll probably buy myself a nice takeaway Indian curry to eat while I hack away on Perl, Vim script, or the English language. If you're really generous, maybe I'll get some of that naan bread they have with the garlic and cheese in it.

Thank you!

Conturi conectate

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tejr s-a alăturat acum 5 ani.

Venit pe săptămână (în dolar neozeelandez)

Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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