
Den Ivanov

I want to become a high quality content creator

Țelul lui sxiii este să primească 100,00 USD pe săptămână.
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I make videos on different topics, including but not limiting to: crypto, development, hardware, software, free culture, management, linux, android, docker, and more.

I would like to make my own small studio with great image and audio quality. I already have good cameras and mics, what I need now is: * table * lights * "leg" holder for the mic * a good chair

You can watch my videos on platforms like LBRY, dlive, dtube, bitchute, flote and some others.

You can read my articles on steemit, whaleshares, golos, serey, weku, scorum, flote, sapien, also sometimes in facebook, instagram & twitter.

Normally I post in English and Russian languages.

Conturi conectate

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