
Sebastian Wagner

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Conturi conectate

sebix deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


packaging-utils Stele 3 Actualizat acum 2 ani

A bunch of scripts I use for keeping track of packages I maintain

Taranis-NG (fork) Stele 2 Actualizat acum 2 săptămâni

Taranis NG is an OSINT gathering and analysis tool for CSIRT teams and organisations. It allows team-to-team collaboration, and contains a user portal for simple self asset management. Taranis NG was developed by SK-CERT with a help from wide CSIRT community.

intelmq (fork) Stele 0 Actualizat acum 2 luni

IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams for collecting and processing security feeds using a message queuing protocol.

Reference-Security-Incident-Taxonomy-Task-Force (fork) Stele 0 Actualizat acum 2 ani

The aim of this task force is to enable the CSIRT community in reaching a consensus on a reference taxonomy.


sebix s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

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