

File hosting service 0x0.st and software projects

mia primește 4,08 EUR pe săptămână de la 5 susținători. Țel: 15,00 EUR
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I spend approximately €60 a month on a dedicated server. It’d be nice if donations could offset that cost.

Things I’m known for:

  • 0x0.st, a free file hoster
  • Packaging for the openSUSE distribution
  • Minor contributions and infrastructure things for mpv, a free and open source media player
  • Minor contributions and infrastructure things for Taisei Project, a free and open source fan game set in the Tōhō universe

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mia are 1 patron public.

1,00 EUR/săptămână


mia s-a alăturat acum 5 ani.

Venit pe săptămână (în euro)

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