
Miguel Piedrafita

I'm a 16-year-old who loves coding and helping others

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I do a lot of things. I've contributed to over 500 open-source projects in the last two years. I've started an open-source project used by more than 3500 users and maintain a free hosted version people can use for free. I spent a year building a SaaS application, then made it free for every open-source project ever. I'm also building a startup with two other teenagers, and maintain a code community where only teenagers can participate. Of course, I also have to do my homework, study for exams, hang out with friends and live the normal life a normal teenager would live.

While doing these things itself is extremely rewarding for me, I want to make a living out of my work at some point, and starting a Liberapay page seems like a good starting point for me. This way, I can walk towards my dream of making a living from what I love while still learning, having fun, trying out new things and do what I've been doing the last three years.

Wanna help me in my journey?

Conturi conectate

m1guelpf deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


python-course Stele 1 Actualizat acum 4 ani

Notes from my Python course @ FireTech

Tasks Stele 108 Actualizat acum 5 ani

Simple tasks & notes manager written in PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap using a custom flat file database.

miguelpiedrafita.com Stele 2 Actualizat acum 6 ani

My personal website

gh-contributed Stele 0 Actualizat acum 6 ani

A microservice to get GitHub repositories you've contributed to

ghost-client (fork) Stele 0 Actualizat acum 5 ani

A client that helps you to get data from the Ghost API.


m1guelpf s-a alăturat acum 5 ani.

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