

luzifer are 0 susținători.

Conturi conectate

luzifer deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


twitch-bot Stele 15 Actualizat acum 1 săptămână

Self-hosted alternative to one of the big bots managed by big companies…

password Stele 44 Actualizat acum 1 lună

Fast and secure password generator and library

ots Stele 406 Actualizat acum 2 luni

One-Time-Secret sharing platform with a symmetric 256bit AES encryption in the browser

nginx-sso Stele 281 Actualizat acum 5 luni

SSO authentication provider for the auth_request nginx module

go-openssl Stele 121 Actualizat acum 5 luni

go-openssl is a small library wrapping the crypto/aes functions in a way the output is compatible to OpenSSL

vault-openvpn Stele 130 Actualizat acum 1 an

Small wrapper utility to manage OpenVPN configuration combined with a Vault PKI


luzifer s-a alăturat acum 6 ani.

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