
Lockdown Lunacy

Lockdown Lunacy is a not for profit promoter of virtual events

lockdown_lunacy primește 0,00 GBP pe săptămână de la 0 susținători.
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Created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Lockdown Lunacy is a not for profit promoter of virtual events. Our events are free to attend but need ongoing support. Currently we are running an online dance party every other Friday.

We are looking to expand into running the following events:

  • Online Event Management Training

We would like to set up the following activities:

  • Open Source development of Online Spaces

We also offer virtual event management services to other promoters.


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lockdown_lunacy s-a alăturat acum 4 ani.

Venit pe săptămână (în liră sterlină)

Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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