
Klaus J Zimmermann

Free Software blogger, PeerTuber, activist and amateur hacker

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kzimmermann blogs and makes videos about the importance of Free Software and Privacy in the digital world.

Hello, there! I'm Klaus Zimmermann, known as kzimmermann in the Fediverse.

I'm a long time Fedizen from the times of Quitter.se in 2014, and after taking a break from it in 2018, decided to get back in 2020. I blog and make videos showcasing Free Software, Free-as-in-freedom Games, and Free Operating Systems with a focus on raising awareness of privacy and security in a digital world, and also try to contribute writing some code in my free time.

Deciding to give back to the community in terms of content, I've started a Peertube channel dedicated to discussing all things Technology, Free Software, Security and Privacy, all while showcasing some Free Software gameplay in GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, and a hands-on approach on how its software works:


My website, self-hosted, is here:


(Also mirrored at the awesome Tilde.town community here)

My work is and always will be free to consume, share and remix (CC-BY-SA 4.0, GPL v3 or Public Domain). However, you can sponsor me to keep more work on raising Free Software awareness coming strong! Patrons' requests and wishes rank higher in my priorities of content-creation as well.

Happy Hacking!


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