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Hi, my name is John Stritch. For many years I developed proprietary software. I am now developing solutions independently. If you find value in the open source projects I create and maintain, please consider supporting my work. Visit my GitHub repositories at https://github.com/jstritch.

Conturi conectate

jstritch deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


easy-git-annex Stele 2 Actualizat acum 1 săptămână

JavaScript/TypeScript API for git-annex and Git commands.

git-tabular-diff Stele 3 Actualizat acum 2 ani

Displays a tabular difference of a csv file or a split difference of any file in an Atom pane.


jstritch s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

jstritch nu dezvăluie cât de mult primesc prin Liberapay.

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