
JEY For Love

Creating a path for health, wellness and knowledge of Self

jeyforlove are 0 susținători.
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Your donation will contribute to the mental and physical healing of those who choose to use my services. This page is for everyone. I will not ignore those who can not afford to donate and not everyone that does donate may even require a service. You maybe someone that knows exactly what i'm taking about and is financially sound to contribute to the time I am spending with those who are not.

I speak from only experience. Your healing will always and only be down to the work that you put in. I am just here point you in a more self-loving direction. The truth of health and well-being has been hidden from us and our elders by design for the benefit of a few. Lets change that together. From Victim to Victor. You can do it. You are doing it!

One Love


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