

Promoting opensource and education

Țelul lui eduAlgo este să primească 20,00 USD pe săptămână.
Donează   PayPal


We are raising funds to maintain our opensource projects and utilize your donated amount for education as well as software development through opensource. 20% of your donation is going to be donated again to organize different events under the opensource banner to create the revolution. Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. In the process of spreading the word of opensource, we are bringing out our merchandise Check us on https://edualgo.threadless.com/

Conturi conectate

eduAlgo deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


edualgo.github.io Stele 4 Actualizat acum 3 ani

This is the organization site.

documentation Stele 4 Actualizat acum 3 ani

The documentation website for the python package "eduAlgo"


eduAlgo s-a alăturat acum 3 ani.

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Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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