
Coco Liliace

Building sustainable income to work full-time on FOSS

Țelul lui cocoliliace este să primească 2,00 CAD pe săptămână.
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Hiii thank you for considering donating to me! It is my dream to work full-time on FOSS one day. I'm working towards establishing a sustainable income to make that possible. Your donations will help me achieve it! Until I'm close to reaching the goal, I plan to save up your generosities to help make a smooth transition.

If donation isn't your thing, you can still support me by sharing my work around :). I host my projects on https://sr.ht/~liliace/ and my blog on https://liliace.dev/. Any form of support is appreciated. Thank you for considering!


cocoliliace s-a alăturat acum 2 luni.

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