

Freelance illustrator. Picture book author. Kitten enthusiast.

chelseakenna are 0 susținători.


I have a long list of illustration ideas and personal projects that I would love to tackle, but get neglected in favor of taking jobs that will pay the bills. I would also love to be able to share more of my work with the public something I often can't do with client work.

Any contributions I receive will allow me to devote more time to these personal projects as well as give me more freedom to take the jobs I'm most excited about, and ultimately share more art with all of you!

You can check out my work here: www.chelseakenna.com

Conturi conectate

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chelseakenna s-a alăturat acum 6 ani.

chelseakenna nu dezvăluie cât de mult primesc prin Liberapay.

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