
birds.town / birdtu.be

Birds.Town and BirdTu.Be are services for bird and nature lovers

birds.town primește 5,48 EUR pe săptămână de la 5 susținători. Țel: 12,50 EUR
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Birds.Town is a Mastodon server primarily aimed at people who like birding, birdwatching, nature and photography. BirdTu.Be is a PeerTube instance meant for the same audience.

Running both services costs roughly €50 per month. The following is an overview of how much money I spend on what:

  • US$1.93 for birds.town domain
  • €0.90 for birdtu.be domain
  • €43.91 for main server & 1 TB of backup storage
  • €3.00 for backup server / media caching server (media.birds.town)
  • €0.10 - €0.50 for S3 object storage (media storage for birds.town; varying costs depending on data stored and bandwidth used

Invoices for each service can be requested by sending an email to info@birds.town.

Should I ever get more donations per month than what the running costs of birds.town and birdtu.be are, I will put that money towards supporting local bird / wildlife / nature preservations institutions (in particular Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V., Nordrhein-Westfälische Ornithologengesellschaft, Adlerwarte Berlebeck and others). I am already doing so with my own money, but if I should ever get more than €50 per month in donations, I will put that money towards increasing my already existing donations.

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birds.town s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

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