
benjamin da ass

radical sounds for beasts of burden

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i am benjamin da ass. i make strange sounds in my bedroom studio, the church of other worldly sounds, and sometimes i arrange them into cohesive compositions and release them proper. i try my best to do right. that means if i release music, it's donation only. never feel obligated to donate if you can't take care of yourself and your people first. i try my best to do right. that means if i release music, i try to provide it on a platform that isn't stealing and selling your data (faircamp.radiofreefedi.net/benjamindaass) i try my best to do right. that means when i write music, i believe in what i am writing and will never produce propaganda for the powers that be. i try my best to do right. that means when i make music, i am using as much foss as possible (ardour on a linux platform, most processing is external hardware). like a lot of us, i am just a beast of burden. doing what i have to in order to pay my bills and doing what i care about with what little free time and energy i have left.

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control nu dezvăluie cât de mult primesc prin Liberapay.


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