
Autistici / Inventati

Autistici / Inventati

autistici.org primește 28,32 EUR pe săptămână de la 36 de susținători.
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A/I (Autistici/Inventati, pronounced [au’tistiʧi]-[iŋ’vɛntati], or [iŋvɛn’tati]) was born in 2001 from an encounter of individuals and collectives of the autonomous anticapitalist movement interested in technology and active in the digital rights struggle. We believe that this world is far from being the best world possible. We react by providing a platform and tools for digital self-defense addressing the need of secure, free communication and privacy for activists and other individuals.

Conturi conectate

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autistici.org s-a alăturat acum 4 ani.

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