

Hello my Angels I am 20 year old Trader, Youtuber & Rapper with more than 1 yr of experience.

Țelul lui Shiver este să primească 102,33 USD pe săptămână.
Donează   PayPal


I need donations for my career specially for stock market, I have 2 years of experience on paper trading, I came from middle class family from INDIA, My mother left me when I was 05 years old , father got heart attack when I was 14 & Thats the reason I started giving my time to improve my Skills & which can increase the probability of better life, I starts all this stuff from the age of 16, My 4 youtube channels got failed now i have channel with 4.3k subs but the problem is my channel was not monetize, i have to complete my 4k hours for this, I am not financially stable thats why i cant starts trading & investing from real money.

If you have Online job or freelancing work please contact me, i really need you:} or if you want to donate, thanks man for contributing to provide me a better life, it really means a lot :D

you can mail or paypal me on <prathamnamdeo297@gmail.com>


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