

FOSS Application Developer

SeaDve are 1 susținător.


First of all, thanks for considering donating. Hi, I am Dave Patrick. I maintain and develop applications such as Kooha, Mousai, and Flashcards.

These apps are free and open-source, and always will be. If you like any of the apps, backing me through donating would be great. It will not only help maintain the applications but also support me as an independent developer.

With appreciation,

Dave Patrick

Conturi conectate

SeaDve deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


Mousai Stele 926 Actualizat această săptămână

Identify songs in seconds

Kooha Stele 2317 Actualizat acum 1 săptămână

Elegantly record your screen


SeaDve s-a alăturat acum 3 ani.

Venit pe săptămână (în dolar american)

Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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