Developing Pale Moon, Basilisk and UXP
Hi! Thank you for stopping by!
Moonchild Productions, originally the name for my personal works in art, music and software, has grown to be a small community of dedicated people who, for almost 10 years now, have brought you the Pale Moon web browser. This Liberapay account has been set up to support that project (and the future XUL platform, UXP).
Thank you for wanting to support our efforts in creating community-driven software!
Your support through Liberapay will directly help our development by keeping the lights on, assuring we aren't forced into compromising deals, and with your help may even become fully independent and ad-free.
What is Liberapay?
In case you're new to Liberapay, here's a quick summary: Liberapay is a crowdfunding platform that allows creators or projects to get regular weekly income for long-term work. This is in contrast to "traditional" crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter that target one-off projects with clearly defined start and end dates.
Liberapay is better for Open Source and non-profit projects than advertising or sponsorship. It allows for us to develop 100% uncompromised, have more predictable payments than one-off donations, and we don't need to stoop to questionable high-rate advertisers, have corporate sponsors influence our direction, or other shady practices. This means that we can serve our users, not advertisers or corporate sponsors. And you are free to donate any amount you can afford or want to give, with no strings attached.
If you want to support our work on Pale Moon, Basilisk and UXP, allowing us to continue development as a community and give back to the community by keeping the browser free and open, and reducing or removing ties to corporate sponsors or the use of advertising on our websites, you can click the "Donate" button on this page, and then choose the amount of money that will be paid on a weekly basis. Another advantage is that the sum doesn't have to be big - e.g. you can donate 25 cents per week. With smaller donations you can afford giving to more people or organizations. The money will come from your Liberapay wallet, which you can top up whenever the wallet is running low on funds. The fees are as small as possible: Liberapay doesn't take any cut from the donations, only the payment processing fees are paid when you add money to your wallet. Liberapay itself is funded by donations through its own system.
Why Liberapay?
Without donations, Pale Moon likely would not exist. But managing donations costs time, effort and money (in fees) that all adds up to reducing what can be done for the project. Liberapay minimizes this overhead.
As a software developer on a free and Open Source browser, I volunteer my work and rely on several income streams to pay for development, server hosting, and also my living expenses, of which donations to the Pale Moon project are an important part. Over time, I've phased out my previous day job (freelance translations) to fully focus on this development. Ultimately, I spend more than full-time hours per week on it.
To help stabilize funding for the Pale Moon project, I opened a Patreon account early in 2018 after multiple requests for such, despite it not being the best match for what we do, because of its popularity. When I heard about Liberapay, I immediately recognized that it was a much better match for what is being done in our projects, and run much more in the same spirit as our own development. Not to mention the much lower fees involved (Patreon takes overall about 10-12% to use in fees).
Why do you need the money?
We'd love to become completely advertisement free first and foremost, but our irregular donations and sponsors simply haven't provided us with something steady enough to do so. To ensure our independence and avoid any censorship or bias enforced by advertisers, this will be our first goal to reach.
Development of a complex, modern browser is no easy task, and I personally put hundreds of hours into it every month as a full-time commitment (it's not a hobby!). Aside from myself, other people spend lots of time improving the browser, providing support to users, etc. all as volunteers - I'd like to be able to give back to them as well! Next, we have bounties for people who want to help with our development of specifically challenging things, that can also be funded by you as a patron.
The money will also be used to pay for our hosting of servers and services that users of the browser get access to (like Sync and the forum). Occasionally, hardware will need to be upgraded and replaced too in workstations used to develop software and compile the browser.
What happens to Patreon?
Eventually, we will likely stop accepting Patreon donations because it's not a good match to funding Open Source software on an on-going basis with no direct rewards for patrons (it's more a tit-for-tat setup that suits artists better who produce tangible, regular items as rewards).
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Moonchild s-a alăturat acum 7 ani.