
Learning Pages

Free online learning resources with no advertising!

Țelul lui LearningPages este să primească 2,50 GBP pe săptămână.
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The Learning Pages project is the creation of an advert-free site (LearningPages.org) which provides free, online learning resources for learners, trainers and educators. It has been motivated by the desire that learning should not be lost.

As well as the usual resources you would expect to find on a site that is dedicated to educating, training and learning, you will also find resources that reflect my personal learning journey.

Learning Pages is a Mike Wills Learning Services (mwlsdotcom) project.

Conturi conectate

LearningPages deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


LearningPages s-a alăturat acum 3 ani.

Venit pe săptămână (în liră sterlină)

Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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