

LURK hosts, facilitates and archive discussions around net- and computational culture

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Welcome to LURK, we host, facilitate and archive discussions around net- and computational culture and politics, proto- and post-free culture practices, (experimental) (sound) (new media) (software) art, and things like that…

We’re volunteer run and wish to:

  • give the opportunity for indidividuals, groups and collectives working on net- and computational culture to have a presence outside of corporate silos, surveillance capitalism and closed facebook groups;
  • offer a place where discussions and resources on self-hosting and alternative network infrastructures can exist outside of libertarian and pepe discourses;
  • provide ourselves with something high-quality to procrastinate with, share good memes and eat pop-corn;
  • etc.


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LURK s-a alăturat acum 6 ani.

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