

Software development and Art

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I'm working on video games, tooling and other experiments. My projects are under OSS licenses, and I encourage contributing and remixing. I also create 3D and 2D art and make it available under permissive licenses.

Conturi conectate

Jummit deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


better-nether-map Stele 5 Actualizat acum 5 luni

A mod that makes maps work better in cave dimensions

godot-destruction-plugin Stele 70 Actualizat acum 7 luni

Adds a method of converting a list of meshes into rigidbodies.

godot-package-manager Stele 17 Actualizat acum 7 luni

A python script to download and update packages and their dependencies

material-painter Stele 23 Actualizat acum 3 ani

A Substance Painter alternative made in the Godot Engine


Jummit s-a alăturat acum 7 luni.

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