

IRCNow Fundraiser for Hosting Costs

IRCNow primește 8,62 USD pe săptămână de la 3 susținători. Țel: 100,00 USD
Donează   Card de plată Debit direct PayPal


Help us to build a network run and controlled by the users

For two years, IRCNow has provided free guides to show users how to run their own chat server, mail server, name server, web server, reverse proxy, VPN, and more. IRCNow runs a free program to help train users to run their own network. Our goal is to create a network run by users themselves to protect our freedoms with a user bill of rights.

Today, IRCNow needs your help with hosting costs so we can continue to build the network of the users. We run several dedicated servers for training, plus IRC servers, bouncers, and shell servers in order to provide a learning environment.


  • $350/month: $70/month per dedicated server (x5)
  • $140/month: 254 IPv4 addresses plus router
  • $270/month: $22.50/month (x12) for IRCd/bouncer/shell

We have received half of our donations already, we just need $100/week to meet our remaining shortfall. Please help donate to keep our network running! Thank you for your support.

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