
Hegel3DReloaded (NsCDE)

Developing Not so Common Desktop Environment

Hegel3DReloaded are 3 susținători.
Donează   PayPal


People wanted to send me some money, because they like my work on NsCDE, and I didn't have liberapay account. Now I have opened it. :-)

My work: https://github.com/NsCDE/NsCDE

Conturi conectate

Hegel3DReloaded deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


NsCDE Stele 1829 Actualizat acum 1 lună

Modern and functional CDE desktop based on FVWM


Hegel3DReloaded s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

Hegel3DReloaded nu dezvăluie cât de mult primesc prin Liberapay.

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