
Fennel Kora

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Fencore primește 0,00 USD pe săptămână de la 0 susținători.
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Hi I'm fen! I'm just cruisin' through this information superhighway on a wagon. You know, like the little red Radio Flyer ones. Anyway, my goal is to create a safe space for everyone, and that starts with me as my own guinea pig while I'm building and learning with a focus on federated media platforms such as Firefish, Owncast, and Writefreely. I'm funded out of pocket for my projects, so your support is always appreciated and would also go directly toward hosting and service costs so that I can continue to tinker with things I find interesting (and hopefully you do too!)

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Fencore face o donație publică către 1 creator.

1,00 USD/săptămână


Fencore s-a alăturat acum 1 an.

Venit pe săptămână (în dolar american)

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