

Creating Maps of UK Elections on Twitter

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Hey there! I'm Election Maps UK (@ElectionMapsUK on Twitter).

I make election maps of General Election Predictions, Hypothetical Scenarios and cover the weekly council by-elections that happen all over the country. I also report on current polling and summarise these in regularly updated charts.

I am asking for donations in order to fund the running of my website (electionmaps.uk) as well as various software such as PhotoShop and Microsoft Office. Any funds leftover I will keep as profit as although running the page is rewarding, it is also very time-consuming. I don't run the account for money so any donations are just a bonus that I can spend on snacks on election nights etc. (or alcohol to consume when a council changes their boundaries and I have to make a new map).

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0,09 GBP/săptămână


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