
Dañiel Garcia

The traditional 2D animator working with local and international artists.

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Hi, my name is Dañiel L. Garcia. I'm a traditional 2D animator based in Trier, Germany. I want to contribute back culturally with traditional animation. I work together with local and international artists to produce traditionally animated shorts.

If you like 2D animation and want to see more of it, then show your support and join. You'll get to see all steps of the pre-, mid-, and post-production phases of my shorts. All steps will be documented here and you'll get to see all the rough animation. The finished short will be viewable for everyone online.

I'm working on my next animated short. If you like 2D animation and want to see the entire process then join my patreon: https://patreon.com/deruji You can even be an Animation Sponsor or just hire me directly.

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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