

Project Memory

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Hello friends,

I'm Damon, and I come to you today with a request for support and an opportunity to be part of something special.

Two years ago, I lost my mother to COVID-19. Since then, it has been very difficult for me to find happiness or much purpose, I lost not only my mother but my best friend. One day, I was missing her greatly and went on Facebook. In my inbox I had messages from strangers sharing stories with about how my mother helped them and impacted them, most of them she didn't know. It was reading through these messages and having a memory on Facebook of my mom that spawned the idea for Project Memory. My mom was a caring soul who spent her life helping others as a nurse, volunteering her time with at-risk youth, and more. Her generous spirit lives on in me, and I strive to honor her memory through my own acts of service.

One way I am continuing my mother's legacy is by developing Memory - a decentralized, federated social media platform built to empower users. My mother loved connecting with others online and sharing her ideas through writing on various platforms. With Memory, my hope is to create a space where people can express themselves freely and safely, just as she did.

Building something like Memory requires more than just my own efforts. I need help covering expenses like:

Server and hosting fees to keep the platform fast and reliable Compensating talented developers who are collaborating on the project Legal fees and licensing to ensure users' rights are protected I aim to build Memory using ethical practices - it will be free, open-source, and transparent. Users will retain ownership over their content. The goal is a social platform by and for the people.

I can't do this alone. Please consider contributing to this so we can make Memory a reality together. This project allows me to honor my late mother's spirit while making a positive impact in the world. Any amount helps.

Let's reimagine social media and build the kind of welcoming, creative space my mom would have loved. I appreciate your support, and I'll keep you updated on our progress.

Thank you, Damon

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