

Broke-ass Anarchist whom'st started Sunbeam City instance and co-op

Cocoron primește 0,00 EUR pe săptămână de la 0 susținători.
Donează   PayPal


If you feel like the time and energy I invest in Sunbeam City is something you appreciate, I'd be immensely grateful if you could help me live; I come from a low-income background and have no financial safety net. A small donation would go a long way towards me being able to afford life's necessities so I can free up energy and time wasted on staying above water, which can be better spent on more productive things, like continuing my higher education.

!! This is a personal account and funds here are not meant to cover the host of hosting Sunbeam City !!


Cocoron s-a alăturat acum 6 ani.

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