
alice voidstar

CobaltVelvet primește 35,87 EUR pe săptămână de la 29 de susținători.
Donează   Card de plată Debit direct


hello i need money to live and i like to make free stuff so send money if you would like for that to work out

the free stuff include my very good social media posts, attempts at music, goth.science, tumelune,
hosting and administrating octodon.social, cmdr.social, high.cat

see fedi.monster if you want me to host a mastodon instance
see also my patreon if it's more practical for you
same @ on twitter and octodon if you want anything else
bitcoin: bc1qaqyuy7223qqxz2jcegffqqjfdwndtg56cdrw3a or 18NY191tpG3WhvRbjxxcqHG4MFgCkSSsAA
monero: 88Py8XtrBLCfmSgBh8wv678CKkZMh777vFiZncrpuHQahaSSJE3ag1aGKHodrFyYP2hzcYiqbF9zQX11VfN3f8deDjQM7vp

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