

My name's Cheese, and I make and write about games!

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Hi! My name's Cheese (or Josh if that's easier), and I have a passion for making and writing about games.

You can find some of my released games on itch.io, you can find my articles on game and game culture related topics at cheesetalks.net, and you can find devlogs and other videos on my YouTube channel.

My current focus is a paleontology-themed puzzle game called Fossil Sweeper, and my on-hold main project is a first person/text adventure hybrid called In the Snowy Winter's Wake and an engine for making similar experiences called Icicle. Previous projects include, a bee-themed management sim called Hive Time, a flapformer called Bat Egg, and a sci-fi first-person ice-skating combat game called FLAT.

I've also worked on and supported developers working on some exciting games that aren't my own, including Capes, The Fall, Hand of Fate 2, Day of the Tentacle Remastered, Full Throttle Remastered, The Away Team, and many others.

If you feel like supporting me in doing the stuff I do, I'd love to have you on board! :)

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