

Proud member of AnkaKuşuTakımı, Gamer and Linux Enthusiast

AxolotlAgatsuma are 0 susținători.


  • 👋 Hiya! I'm @axolotlagatsuma.
  • 🇹🇷 I am a Turk.
  • 💻 My hobbies mostly revolve around tech other than cycling.
  • 📧 You can reach me using e-mails or make a issue on this repository.
  • 👨 My pronouns are he because I'll never be him. xD
  • 🐧 Fun Fact: I am not an axolotl, Tony Stark and Linus Torvalds are two of my idols
  • 🔨 I can build anything if you give me time.

html-developer java-developer lua-developer kotlin-developer

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AxolotlAgatsuma s-a alăturat acum 2 luni.

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