
Arknet Media Donation Page

Creating Privacy Oriented Ecosystems of Open-Source Services and Automated Self-Hosting Platforms

Țelul lui Arknet-Media este să primească 68,75 USD pe săptămână.
Donează   PayPal


ArkNet Media aims to bring the vastness of the internet into one simple dashboard. Access classic services without being tied down to to big vendors that sell your data to marketing teams. Our current services include things such as cloud storage an collaboration software through Nextcloud, password management, and even git repositories with Gitlab. We maintain only the data and logs necessary to improve our services and data required by our upstream projects. We will never sell user data to 3rd-parties and aim to be as log free as possible.

Our donation goal reflects the a majority of the server costs; things like hosting, utilities, and coffee for the devs. Any donations that exceed our goal will be paid forward to support the owners of the open source projects we use to bring you the ArkNet.


Arknet-Media s-a alăturat acum 3 ani.

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