

I only know to make music, so please support me

Țelul lui Alanp este să primească 25,00 USD pe săptămână.
Donează   PayPal


I am an amateur musician with a passion for creating music that resonates deeply with my faith and personal journey. Following a profound change in my life, I am now seeking to support myself through my musical compositions. My this work is a heartfelt tribute to a sing-able version of Psalm 1, dedicated to my relatives who share our common heritage. This project is my way of honoring our shared background while finding a way to sustain myself through the art I love.

My work/link is on Kofi.com: https://ko-fi.com/s/9d1b4bfb8f


Alanp s-a alăturat acum 3 luni.

Venit pe săptămână (în dolar american)

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