

Artist Starting A New Chapter

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I'm an artist starting a new chapter in her life. I always worked as a creative for others and now I'm giving all my energy to my art and photography. After traveling many roads, they all lead me back to art. I'm grateful to be starting this chapter and hoping it will be as creative and the many chapters that came before it ! I'm working right now on creating a body of work to show. Also just finished drawing stickers and a loge for merchandise. Keeping with the magic theme for my name Abracadabra Images. I'm also a certified art therapist and will be incorporating this into my website and eventually into my YouTube videos as well. I been working on many new ideas in the last few months and in the next coming months executing and producing these ideas to life with your help. View more of my work and other places to find me at linktr.ee/abracadabraimages Sincerely, TA Carrano


AbracadabraImages s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

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