
Narrative Engine Development

Narrative Interactive Intelligent Simulation

Țelul lui ARWNI2S este să primească 55,00 EUR pe săptămână.
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The video game industry has developed around recognized computer technologies, such as digital imaging, sound and simulation.

However, the application of certain gaming concepts to the digital platform has resulted in a vague approach.

This is the case of role-playing video games, and more specifically MMORPGs, which result in a product very far from the original board game format.

This differentiation, together with the peculiar characteristics of tabletop role-playing games, have been studied from different academic fields.

The Narrative Simulation presents a comprehensive framework for the development of applications based on virtual worlds with an open and interactive development of the story.

Bringing the interactive storytelling experience closer to open-world video games and MMORPGs


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Conturi conectate

ARWNI2S deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


NI2S-Node Stele 1 Actualizat acum 2 luni

Narrative Simulator Engine cluster node.

NI2S-Unreal Stele 0 Actualizat acum 2 ani

Unreal Engine plugin for NI2S.

Narrative-Simulator Stele 0 Actualizat acum 2 ani

Automated Game Mastering for Open World MMORPG


ARWNI2S s-a alăturat acum 2 ani.

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