

Systems Administrator, python and rust dev, not a big fan of computers :(

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Hi there! I'm Chloe. I enjoy working on projects that are interesting, and particularly my focus is on things that I would use myself. You can see my repos below, primarily my work is on spotiplex, along with some other early stage projects.

Conturi conectate

0xChloe deține următoarele conturi pe alte platforme:


catastrophe-website Stele 0 Actualizat acum 2 săptămâni

plex-playlist-manager Stele 3 Actualizat acum 3 săptămâni

spotify-to-plex Stele 31 Actualizat acum 3 săptămâni

A python script/app to sync Spotify Playlists into Plex (optionally via Lidarr)

plex-language-search Stele 0 Actualizat acum 3 luni

Searches Plex episodes and movies for files missing a given language (and optionally deletes them)

readarr-tagger Stele 0 Actualizat acum 5 luni


0xChloe s-a alăturat acum 2 luni.

Venit pe săptămână (în dolar american)

Număr de susținători pe săptămână

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